About Me

Hello! My name is Oriana Aponte. I am from Long Beach, New York, and I am 19 years old. I am perusing my bachelor’s degree in Fashion and Textiles with a concentration in Merchandising at SUNY Oneonta.

From a young age, I have had the drive to pursue fashion. Whether it was drawing my original designs in my notebooks to telling everyone I knew that I would someday work in fashion and eventually live in Paris, I’ve always had big dreams.

After switching my ideal career path a million times, I ended up circling right back to fashion when it was time to choose a school and a major. Leading up to then I had remained fashion oriented in my extracurriculars and hobbies in high school as it was still something I loved.

Beginning college was a push for me to settle into my love for fashion and focus on it career-wise. I was able to find something to focus on that could last for quite some time which I think is a key to exploring career paths. Through my time at Oneonta, I have been able to prepare for real experiences in the fashion world which I am so excited to share with you all as I continue to learn and grow in my journey.